Year Five
How We Express Ourselves
How We Express Ourselves
(Comparative Religion, Beliefs and Values)
(Comparative Religion, Beliefs and Values)
The Hindu Creation Story
Username: bis
password: bis
Once you're logged on pick the 'elementary' level if you want the basic facts or 'middle' if you want a great level of detail.
Then you can search for facts about whatever religion you are interested in.
Videos and information about the world that you can search through - put together by the PBS television network for children in New York City.
An introduction to Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Sikhism and Hinduism specifically designed for children.
Unit 2:
Unit 2:
How We Organise ourselves? (Government and organisations)
How We Organise ourselves? (Government and organisations)
The Solar System
The Solar System
Mars and its exploration by the 'Curiosity' Rover
Mars and its exploration by the 'Curiosity' Rover
The plays of Shakespeare - Year 5 literacy focus
The plays of Shakespeare - Year 5 literacy focus
Year 5 library skills: intro to Shakespeare
School children from around the world act out scenes from various plays by Shakespeare.